In my video post, I want to talk about a video I watched featured on In this video, it makes claims that in tact families help to support the children and less likely to have their children get involved in any substance abuse. It stresses the importance on "How to Say No" and that family plays a very important and large role in a child or teen's decision to get involved in a risky situation. Parents are the main teachers in a family that socialize their children on how to live in society. However, society often implements factors that are not for our well being and more often than not, many teenagers fall into that trap. Instead of finding comfort in a family, one finds comfort in drugs, drinking, or smoking.
My parents have always guided me and taught me that drinking or doing drugs are never an answer to anything. They are substances meant to ruin a person and prevent them from becoming their selves. I have never attempted or wanted to do any of these things because what my parents have told me always stood in the back of my mind. I feel that parents truly are the important teachers in a child's life and if they are not the ones to teach a child right from wrong, the child will just be left to experiment and find out for themselves and possibly suffer some serious consequences.
Interesting post! I see it a lot with people in our communities, especially (unfortunately) with teens our age resorting to self-harm from neglect from their families. Its so sad as I could never imagine my family being any less close than they currently are. I certainly agree that parents should be the guiding force in their teen's life and that they can only give so much help and the rest of the decision is then left up to the teenager.