Wednesday, September 12, 2012

1st Article

Hey welcome back! 

So as you might recall from my previous blog post, I talked about an article I found on Yahoo! that talked about whether in a marriage, should the love between the man and wife be stronger or more important than the love between parent and child? At first, most would say, who wouldn't do anything for their child or love them more than anything, right? Well I would have been one to agree. But this article proved a point that children look up to their parents for the love and nourishment and learn from the type of love formed between the parents. The article said that if there is no love between the parents, how can their children learn and express love if they don't see it between the two people who should have it the most? 

I feel that after reading the article, our parents should really put their relationship first. Kids look up to their parents and want to see them be happy and hope that maybe one day we can experience the same type of love our parents have. I know that many people think its gross when they see their parents kiss or be affectionate, but isn't that what we would want from OUR spouse in the future? I feel that in order to maintain a healthy and functioning family, the parents must love each other first and foremost. They then can focus their attention on their children and the love can only build in the family. 

and now time for a sing along!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post definitely made me think! In today's society, it seems like parents who love each other more than they love their children are made out to be the bad guys. What's the point of having kids if you're not going to put them first, right? I may have previously said so, but this article makes the distinction between love and priority, something I had never previously distinguished; children should be cared for first, but that doesn't mean that their love trumps the love each spouse has for the other. Yes, the well-being of children should be the main priority in a family, but it is the strong bond of love between the husband and wife that will allow them to work together toward building a wonderful environment for their children to grow up in. This gave me a lot to think about, keep it up!
