In my video post, I want to talk about a video I watched featured on In this video, it makes claims that in tact families help to support the children and less likely to have their children get involved in any substance abuse. It stresses the importance on "How to Say No" and that family plays a very important and large role in a child or teen's decision to get involved in a risky situation. Parents are the main teachers in a family that socialize their children on how to live in society. However, society often implements factors that are not for our well being and more often than not, many teenagers fall into that trap. Instead of finding comfort in a family, one finds comfort in drugs, drinking, or smoking. My parents have always guided me and taught me that drinking or doing drugs are never an answer to anything. They are substances meant to ruin a person and prevent them from becoming their selves. I have never attempted or wanted to do any of these things because what my parents have told me always stood in the back of my mind. I feel that parents truly are the important teachers in a child's life and if they are not the ones to teach a child right from wrong, the child will just be left to experiment and find out for themselves and possibly suffer some serious consequences.
In my choice post, I want to talk about my own experiences with marriage and family in tact. My parents have been thankfully married for more than 30 years. I want to say 32 years, but for now to be safe let's say 30. (sorry mom and dad). They have had their ups and downs, three lovely children, and to me, my parent's haven't changed a bit. One thing I can appreciate about my parents is that they have always loved me and supported me. But what I've noticed is that the spark between my parents has never fizzled. My mom always tells me stories about how when they were younger they would go out together and always dance the night away at family parties. To this day, that still holds true. My parents are always the life of any party they go to. They are happy, outgoing, and positive people and I'm glad I've been able to inherit some of those traits. Whenever my family goes out, they always insist on taking a million pictures. But I guess a million is an understatement. My parent's mantra is to take pictures so they always have a memory of everything they do. Personally, I love this little hobby of theirs, because it is an easy way to remember everything we've done as a family, but also we treasure the moments we spend with each other. My parents love to have a memory and thanks to them, I feel the same way too, even though getting candid pictures taken every minute bothers me at times.
My point is: my parent's love has always been strong and I think because of this, it keeps my family together. Even through the arguments, we remember what it is to love and be loved. Family is centered around love and without it, what would be the definition of a family?
(my friend) Nikki Pire: "You're parents are literally so cute, you can quote me."
Hey welcome back!
So as you might recall from my previous blog post, I talked about an article I found on Yahoo! that talked about whether in a marriage, should the love between the man and wife be stronger or more important than the love between parent and child? At first, most would say, who wouldn't do anything for their child or love them more than anything, right? Well I would have been one to agree. But this article proved a point that children look up to their parents for the love and nourishment and learn from the type of love formed between the parents. The article said that if there is no love between the parents, how can their children learn and express love if they don't see it between the two people who should have it the most?
I feel that after reading the article, our parents should really put their relationship first. Kids look up to their parents and want to see them be happy and hope that maybe one day we can experience the same type of love our parents have. I know that many people think its gross when they see their parents kiss or be affectionate, but isn't that what we would want from OUR spouse in the future? I feel that in order to maintain a healthy and functioning family, the parents must love each other first and foremost. They then can focus their attention on their children and the love can only build in the family.
and now time for a sing along!
Hello blogger! Well this is the start of my sociology assignment and my topic is *drum roll* Marriage and Family-In Tact! Now what does that mean? This means that throughout my blog I will be discussing stories and information regarding Marriage and Families that have parents who are NOT divorced and are still together and married ('til death do they part). I chose this topic for my blog because about a month ago while on Yahoo! I came across an article that talked about whether spouses should love each other more than they love their children. I'll be talking about that article in another future blog post but it really got me thinking. I was interested to know why some families and parents stay together while others unfortunately do not. How does this affect the children? How does this affect the divorcees? Also families in tact could also go as far into saying, families where children have not moved out to live on a campus for college and how that can affect the dynamics of a family. All these questions and ideas will be explored more in depth, coming very soon. I'm very excited and interested to research more on this topic and see what kind of information is out there regarding the topic. Check back soon!